Day Three at Red Magazine

Day Three saw everybody leave the office for a press day and I was left on my own to source items for a feature which involved ringing lots of PR companies and trying to get the certain items requested into the office today!  I was actually quite surprised to be left in charge of doing such a thing, it seems like a lot of responsibility for somebody who is just doing a week and a day of work experience and who is in their first year of Uni, but I managed to get a few companies to send stuff in, so hopefully they will be pleased with my efforts! As well as that I was doing the usual - tidying, hanging up things that had been sent in, laying out stuff to show for a shoot, labelling clothes so we know which store to send them back to, popping down to the post room every now and again to see if anything has been sent in and everything else!

When I leave home at 6.35am and get off the coach at anything between 7.30 and 8.00pm in the evening depending on which commuter coach I have managed to get, it is really quite cold, especially as I live right near the sea, so its not easy when deciding what to wear as central London is really hot during the day.  Today I hit the shops again at lunchtime (purchases to follow) and then sat down in Carnaby Street to eat my lunch and was surprised to get street style papped twice whilst tucking into my peanut butter sandwiches and again when I was on my way back to the office!

I wore my new purchases today and am amazed that loads of Bloggers seem to have the H&M floral trousers but I guess it is because they are such a great price. (£12.99)  The pink peplum top is also from H&M. (£19.99)

I am so tired, I really need to wash my hair tonight but think I might be hitting the Batiste can again!  Being in the Red magazine fashion cupboard is more important than greasy hair, I couldn't miss this opportunity, so please bear with me if I don't look my best this week!
Until tomorrow

What do you think of my outfit?

Claudia xxx


  1. I relly love that top!!!!!!

  2. I love love love those trousers may have to have a look in the h and m here! x

  3. Great peplum top :) Dry shampoo is a saviour, yeah? :']
    Love hearing about your time at Red, even though I'm slightly jealous ;) xoxo

  4. I love those trousers! I have the same print in the shirt (: wish I had got them too though! xx

  5. Lovin' that top :3
    Gives a nice shape (:

  6. Wow hun you look amazing I can see why you were stopped for pics that top is something else. Sounds like you are really enjoying yourself in London and really suit that life. Cant wait to see what you brought xoxo

  7. Love this outfit you look gorgeous!!xxx

  8. Gorgeous outfit, I love that top and the trousers are gorgeous! Fab shoes too, you must have sore feet! Your day sounds great, I'd be scared to be given that amount of responsibility! You're doing fab :-) XxxX

  9. love love love the outfit , you look amazing xoxo
